Recording of Menopause Webinar


Now you can download and watch a webinar on Menopause held by Dr. Pallavi Shinde an Ayurvedic consultant from Pune, India and Miss Amita Bhagat from USA (CIYT). This webinar was held on 21st May 2020 and was highly appreciated by participants.


In this webinar on Menopause you will get an in depth knowledge of  what menopause is all about from the Ayurveda perspective and how to happily face it in your life. Dr. Pallavi Shinde explained in detailed the various phases of a menopause and how to deal with it.

At the end of the webinar Miss. Amita Bhagat (CIYT) from USA demonstrates some easy to follow yoga poses that will help you to relax and face this important phase in your life with maturity and confidence.

If you are curious about menopause or are about to experience the same situation in your life cycle then this webinar will certainly help you eliminate all the anxiety you must be having around this important period in a woman’s life. Just grab your recording video and get certain about this.

Recording of Menopause Webinar