Corona – is a Latin word which means ‘’CROWN’’. Under the microscope it looks like a crown on top of a virus.
Everybody is very scare now by just listening this virus name, some people also making false sentences and some people are spreading some wrong information regarding this.
Everybody knows it reported first in china on 31 st Dec 2019 in Wuhan city of china. And now from recent numbers almost 47 countries are diagnosed with this corona. The coronavirus has now killed at least 2,700 people and infected more than 80,000 others.
First 17-18 years back in 2003 Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV) is a species of coronavirus known to infect humans, bats, and certain other mammals.
Coronaviruses are zoonotic diseases, meaning they spread to people from animals. Because wet markets put people and live and dead animals — dogs, chickens, pigs, civets, and more — in close contact, it can be easy for a virus to make an interspecies jump.
Wet markets put people and live and dead animals — dogs, chickens, pigs, snakes, civets, and more — in constant close contact. That makes it easy for zoonotic diseases to jump from animals to humans, which transmitted the disease to humans.
“Poorly regulated, live-animal markets mixed with illegal wildlife trade offer a unique opportunity for viruses to spill over from wildlife hosts
into the human population,” the Wildlife Conservation Society said in a statement.
In the case of SARS and the new coronavirus disease, called COVID-19, bats were the original hosts. The bats then infected other animals, which transmitted the disease to humans.
Why the bat?
Bats harbor a significantly higher proportion of zoonotic viruses than other mammals. Bats can fly across large geographical ranges, transporting diseases as they go. That makes them an ideal host if you’re a virus. Bats pass along viruses in their poop: If they drop feces onto a piece of fruit that a different animal then eats, the creature can become a carrier.
In the past 45 years, at least three other pandemics (besides SARS) have been traced back to bats. The creatures were the original source of Ebola, which has killed 13,500 people in multiple outbreaks.
Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome, better known as MERS, which can be found in 28 countries; and the Nipah virus, which has a 78% fatality rate.
How dangerous is this ?
Not all coronaviruses are deadly — the ones endemic to humans, like the common cold, The coronaviruses that pose a pandemic risk (epidemic of disease that has spread across a large region) , however, are those that hang out in animals.
Why this so dangerous than the other viruses?
Because these viruses have not been circulating in humans before, and specific immunity to these viruses is absent in humans. One more thing the people who are likely to die first will have other illnesses.
Signs and symptoms ?

What is exactly the Ayurveda perspective about this?
Ayurveda is the science who never name some diseases same as they have described in modern science. It always believe to treat the symptoms of the person what will found presently.
All types of bacteria, viruses and epidemic diseases are corelate with Sannipatik Jvar (fever which is cause by all the three doshas ).so as per this the samprapti (pathology )and Upadrava (severity) changes, and ultimately it goes & affect the all Trimarmas (heart ,kidney, brain).
All types of bacteria, viruses and epidemic diseases are corelate with Sannipatik Jvar (fever which is cause by all the three doshas ).so as per this the samprapti (pathology )and Upadrava (severity) changes, and ultimately it goes & affect the all Trimarmas (heart ,kidney, brain).
As we seen above that its spreading and affecting more on the upper respiratory tract which includes vata and kapha origin the herbs which are acting on this doshas and have more ability to improve the breathing issue with antioxidant property herbs.
Ayurveda also mention about the qualities of food what we have to generally eat.
Your mind and body is always dependent on what you eat
So sattvik, tamasik, rajasik these are three qualities of food and some type of meat products are include in tamasik guna which is quality of dullness and darkness . So we can corelate now which type of and how healthier food we are eating on daily basis.
Like e.g. Tulasi (holy basil), Marich (black paper), Suntha (ginger), pipali (long pepper), Chandan (sandal), patha (Cissampelos pareira), kutaj (Tellicherry Bark), vacha (calamus).
The plants and the herbs which are growing more at that present place is will be more useful also for the people for eating, to making some herbal decoctions, for bathing, Nasya (nasal drops), Gandusha (gargling) and so on as a preventive measure.
The Indian ministery of ayush also flak for advocating alternative medicine against coronavirus is drinking shadanga paniya – a liquid ayurvedic medicine which consist musta (nut-grass), paripath (Indian fumitory), usher (vetiver), Chandan (sandal), nagar(ginger) -was an example.
Another example was
- Taking 5gm of Agastya haritaki rasayana twice a day with warm water which is commonly uses for respiratory disorders.
- Samshamani vati 500mg twice a day with warm water.
- Drinking Tulasi (holy-basil) leaves tea/decoction.
- Drinking Ginger tea /decoction.
- Taking exhalation of hot water with mint or holy basil leaves or eucalyptus oil.
Other precautions:-
1) Regular hand wash
2) Cover mouth and nose while you sneeze and cough.
3) Avoid contact with anyone who have sneezing or coughing or any other respiratory issues.
4) Avoid animal market, and live or dead animals (uncooked meat).
5) Do not travel if you are sick and get help of medical services soon.
6) Also wear a mask if you engaged in traffic/public places.
Can Yoga and pranayama practice ease corona virus ?
The key to finding peace and tranquility can be found within our autonomic nervous system (ANS), which acts largely unconsciously and regulates our respiratory system, among other things.
Two key branches of this system are the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) – responsible for the fight or flight reflex, and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) – responsible for the rest and digest reflex or feed and breed .
To stimulate the PNS to reduce anxiety and relax, we can use yoga techniques that act on the vagus nerve that runs from the brain to the abdomen. Research has
shown that different forms of “pranayama”, or breathwork, lead to greater vagal tone, to balance the ANS.
Naturally as you breathe in, your heart rate generally speeds up, and slows when you exhale. The greater the difference between the inhalation and exhalation heart rates, the higher the vagal tone and the more readily your body can relax.
Practicing regularly the following ways of yoga and pranayama keeps the consciousness and regular heart rate of body system to relax more easily .
1)Deep breathing exercise
2) Nadishodhana pranayama (Anuloma-Viloma )
3) Ujjayi pranayama
4) Bhramari pranayama
5) Sunsalutations
6) Virasana
7) Marichasana
8) Sarvangasana
9) Bhujangasana
10) Trikonasana
11) Adhomukhashavasana
12) Baddhakonasana
13) Yog- nidra.
So yoga and Pranayama practice on regular basis helpful to improve your immunity and mind to calm, relax and to improve your immune system.
Written By…
Dr. Pallavi Shinde is the director at Shree Vishwamukta Yog, Ayurved and Panchakarma Clinic at Pune, India. She always uses ayurvedic proprietary formulations for many chronic health diseases & many products for Skin Diseases & beauty products. She is a hardcore Researcher, Practitioner, Promoter of Ayurveda. Contact today to book an appointment. |