Hair is considered one of the important organs of human body. In men and women, growth and style of hair is projected as a beauty and fashion statement.

Hair adds personality to any person and many people spend good amount of money to protect and maintain hair just for this reason. Shabby, unhealthy and unmaintained hair style makes the person dull and it greatly affects his personal relationships.

Because of these reasons when someone finds their first gray hair on head they start to panic and this is considered some kind of a deficiency.

In this article we are going to look at premature graying of hair from Ayurveda perspective. Ayurveda suggests various internal and external treatments to avoid graying of hair. As soon as you notice first gray hair, you can start the treatments as suggested by Ayurveda and see results fast.

Before we jump to graying of hair, lets understand how hairs are important part as per Ayurveda.

HAIRS, nail and teeth are the byproducts of our skeletal system i.e. bone tissue (Asthi- dhatu). If your bones are strong then all these by-products (Nail, Teeth, and HAIRS) are stronger as well.

Bones are formed in large intestine of our body, which ultimately means bones and all its by-products are dependent on our digestive system. The main principle of Ayurveda is Agni (the digestive fire) which nourishes our organs and tissues throughout the body including our waste product. So, according to Ayurveda hairs are totally dependent on what we eat and on our digestive fire.

Mana (mind) also plays important role on our digestive system with our all organs and tissue health. So, we can say that our psychological behavior is also dependant for the growth and quality of our hair.

Premature graying of hair is called “Akala Palitya”in Ayurveda. This results in aggravation of pitta dosha or pitta-vata dosha. Akala Palitya is considered under kshudra rogas. Melanocytes that produce melanin pigments are responsible for the natural color of hair.

What are some of the reasons in Men / women for premature graying of hair?

There are multiple reasons of graying of hair. Some common causes are below:

  • Poor appetite (low digestive fire)
  • Ama (toxins)
  • Poor nutrition
  • Psychological changes
  • Hormonal changes
  • Addiction
  • Environmental changes
  • Use of chemicals
  • Scalp diseases such as psoriasis or dandruff
  • Medical health issues such as thyroid
  • Autoimmune disorder
  • Skin problems
  • Digestion problems
  • Weather changes
  • Pollution
  • Calcium deficiency / iron deficiency / vitamins deficiency
  • Scalp of head infections
  • Age factor
  • Genetical issue / family history/ basic prakriti

In women –

As we know women go through so many stages of her life and because of this her hormonal levels are always ups and downs. Hormonal changes in a woman’s body affects greatly on quality of hair and and cause hair fall, premature graying of hair, baldness, scalp infections and hair thinness.

Some of the major reasons are:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Anemia
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Stress / tension / anxiety
  • Use of chemicals like cosmetics
  • Genetic
  • Thyroid or hypertension
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of exercise
  • Scalp problems
  • Salty, spicy food and junk food

In men –

  • Pollution
  • Exposure to chemicals
  • Constant use of hair cap or helmets
  • Underlying medical diseases like thyroid or hypertension
  • Salty, spicy food and junk food
  • Dandruff / scalp dryness
  • Addiction such as smoking
  • Use of chemicals on head
  • Unhygienic conditions
  • Use of soaps on scalp
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor nutrition
  • Stress / anxiety

What should I do when I spot first gray hair on my head?

When you spot the first gray hair on your scalp don’t get panic and don’t pull it out immediately. This is the first mistake many people do or some people start to color it.

Try to find out the cause with your nearby Ayurveda doctors and follow their instructions regarding diet, exercise and hair products that are suitable for your hair quality and scalp.

Can I stop further damage (graying) if I start the Ayurveda treatment immediately?

Definitely, Ayurveda is one stop solution for graying of hair. By finding out the root cause of graying of hair Ayurveda can be used to manage our system to work with doshas, functions of the body system using daily routine, dietary changes and exercise.

Are my bathing habits responsible for premature graying of hair?

1) Bathing with hot water overhead –

Yes, never take hot water on your head because it can damage your hairs, scalp and head tissues.

  • Ayurveda view: Head is the main heat center and this is the root of human body. Pouring hot water on head creates heat at the root of the hair and starts loss of hair and scalp damaging.

2)Using shampoos too frequently –

Yes, washing head with shampoo is necessary to remove the dead skin and dandruff but using shampoos very frequently makes chemical reactions with your scalp and even makes the scalp dry. This dryness leads to several scalp diseases and dandruff too.

3)Not bathing overhead at all –

Scalp hygiene is also very important part of our daily routine. We have apocrine gland which develops on hair follicle such as on scalp, armpit and groin. This sweat gland can be get blocked with dust or pollution and blocking this gland can create the problems with new hair follicle formation. So,washing head at-least thrice in a week is very much important for the health of your hair follicle.

4)Using chemically mixed gels, creams, conditioners & shampoos

The study conducted by journal of applied toxicology, found that paraben can include allergic contact dermatitis and causes skin issues like irritation, burning, itchiness, and flaking to flare up which ultimately turns to hair loss and damaging hair.

  • Ayurveda view: There are many herbs and herbal made shampoos which are chemical free. You can use these for cleansing, to remove dandruff and also to grow your hair naturally.

For example: Reetha, Shikekai and Trifala are the natural hair cleansers and also chemical free.

Does irregular menstrual cycle in women affect growth and quality of hair?

Hormonal imbalance causes change in menstrual cycle like, irregular menstruation, menorrhagia, amenorrhea, pre – menopausal or menopausal syndrome, pcod, endometriosis and so on. This hormonal imbalance has major effect on your hair too, in which there are some common conditions like

Stress / anxiety:

Studies prove that when we are in stress the hormone cortisol increases in the body and the estrogen decreases which cause irregular menstruation cycle. This results in beta-endorphins and excess of this can impair the release of gonadotropins-releasing hormone (GnRH).
The neurotransmitters and cytokines releasing during the stress response, influences the hair cycle.


This is one of the most common causes of irregular periods. In this condition ovaries produce excess male hormone which in turn causes excess body hair growth in women called ‘Hirsutism’ and also causes male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia.

Endocrine disorder like thyroid:

Thyroid gland is responsible for the metabolism and reproduction. When it is underactive (hypothyroid) or overactive (hyperthyroid) it affects on reproductive system and its hormones causes irregular menstrual cycle. This also has an effect on hair growth. When hormone production is disrupted, it affects the development of hair at the root, which causes hair fall or no new production of hair.


This is the transition phase before you enter menopause. Fluctuating estrogen level during this time can cause irregular menstrual cycle along with hair fall and stop the hair growth.

  • Ayurveda view: Hormones are considered as “Dhatu-Agni” (fire element in tissue) they carried by the pitta (blood). Supporting Agni, the digestive fire strengthens the communication between the body and mind through the enteric nervous system.

Do mental stress and lifestyle habits matter?

Definitely, melanocytes which give a color to hair called pigment producing cell stop producing due to stress hormone. Stress and anxiety play a role for gradual graying of hair.

Researchers found that body‘s fight-or-flight response plays a key role in turning gray hair.

Stress sedentary lifestyle also causes this early graying of hair. Even teenagers are complaining about graying of hair because of sedentary lifestyle which includes junk food, addictions, lack of exercise, constant use of mobiles and laptops, consumption of hard or cold drinks.

  • Ayurveda view: Manasik (psychological) factors like Shoka (grief), Krodh (anger), Bhay (fear) are governed by pitta & vata dosha. These uncontrolled emotions aggravate the pitta resulting in graying and damage of hair.

Ayurveda says, when stress increases, pitta dosha gets vitiated and pitta has its own colors and a power to change a color of cells too. When pitta and vata gets vitiated, it changes the normal color of hairs and its follicles also causes hair fall and lose the texture of the hair.

Which hair care products should I avoid?

The chemical hair products like shampoos, oils, hair dye, hair creams, hair gels and serums make hair dry and damages scalp and hair follicle.

Some hair product contain toxic chemicals which you should avoid like:-

  • Paraben
  • Sulphate
  • Synthetic fragrance
  • Formaldehyde
  • Silicon
  • PPD (para-phenylenediamine)

What are some internal and external Ayurveda treatments?

Ancient Ayurveda advises therapies ranging from internal medication, external application, panchakarma therapy, lifestyle, diet and yoga -pranayama controls to maintain your prakriti and to treat your vitiated dosha.

Internal medications:

Ayurveda has variety of herbs in its treasure to treat various diseases as per one’s dosha and prakriti. Some of them are below: –

  • Chyavanprash
  • Amalaki Rasayan (special medicine made with amla)
  • Bhringarajasava
  • Prawal panchamrit
  • Tapyadi lauh
  • Triphala churn / Rasayan
  • Narsinha Rasayan
  • Rasayana churn (Amruta, Gokshura, Amla)

Note : Please consult your ayurvedic doctor to recommend most suitable ayurvedic medicine as per your dosha and prakriti.

External applications:

Ayurvedic hair oils:

  • Bhringraj oil
  • Bramhi – bhringraj oil
  • Vatajatadi tailam
  • Amla oil
  • Castor oil
  • Shyamkeshadi oil

Ayurvedic shampoos / cleanser:

  • Trifala
  • Hibiscus
  • Amla
  • Shikekai
  • Reetha
  • Hair pack with fenugreek
  • Hair pack with mandoor churn
  • Hair pack with heena and neeli leaves
  • Hair pack with trifala, neem and buttermilk

Panchakarma therapies:

  • Nasya: pouring medicated oil or ghee into nostrils is called Nasya. This is the best panchakarma treatment to treat hair fall, graying of hair and damaged hairs.
    You can use shadbindu oil, cow ghee, anu tailam or any medicated ghee.
  • Basti: Basti (procedure like enema) with milk or medicated oil is very helpful for skeletal, digestive system, which ultimately improves your skin and hair texture & color.
  • Virechana: This is the best treatment to balance aggravated pitta dosha Virechana (purgation).
  • Shiro-abhyanga / shiro-pichu: Pouring medicated oil or simple coconut or sesame oil on forehead and massaging scalp with that specific oil nourishes the scalp skin and flourishes the new hair follicles.
  • Shirodhara: Pouring medicated bramhi oil or milk or butter-milk on forehead specifically on third eye chakra (adnya-chakra), relives stress and helps to treat hair fall, graying of hair and new growth of hairs.

What are useful yoga poses or pranayama to prevent premature grey hair?

Yoga poses:

Adhomukha – shwanasana (downward facing dog pose)

Ustrasana (camel pose)
Matsyasana (fish pose)
Trikonasana (triangle pose)

Halasana (plough pose)
Pavan-muktasana (knee folding to chest)
Sarvangasana (shoulder stand pose)
Sirshasana (head stand pose)


  • Bhramari pranayama
  • Nadi-shodhana pranayama
  • Om jap sadhana

Rubbing nails:

  • Fold the fingers of both your palms and bring them together
  • Rub the surface of fingernails of both hands vigorously leaving out the thumbs
  • Practice this every day for at least three times.

This strengthens the nerves of your fingernails that are connect to scalp thereby rubbing them stimulates blood flow to prevent premature graying of hair and increases hair growth.

Please suggest some healthy hair care habits?

The most important thing is knowing your prakriti and dosha and also your hair type as per Ayurveda.

  • Eat Healthy and balance diet (Ahara) which will be rich in iron, calcium and vitamins.
  • Avoid too much caffeinated drink.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Avoid stress free life
  • Always keep your scalp clean with natural herbs like triphala
  • Avoid use of chemically mixed oils, gels, creams or shampoo
  • Avoid hair treatments that include chemically mixed lotions or making your hair and scalp dry.
  • Protect your scalp and hair from heat exposure and pollution
  • Avoid contact with chlorinated water at swimming pool.
  • Avoid taking hot water on head for hair wash.
  • Avoid using coloring of hair with ammonia containing creams. This can damage your hair permanently.
  • Oil and massage your scalp regularly.
  • Use herbal shampoos and oils for good health of hair roots
  • Do not comb your hair after hair wash immediately
  • Use back combing for hair growth and to form new follicle once
  • Practice Yogasana and pranayama regularly
  • Do body cleansing methods with panchakarma therapy at least once in six months to keep your dosha in balance.

Is there any herbal Ayurveda herbal shampoo I can use to prevent graying of hair in future?

Yes, now a days so many herbal combinations are available for cleansing the hair and scalps.

We will recommend you one of them which is very easy and homemade shampoo that you can use for your hair wash:

1 tsp trifala powder + 1 tsp Reetha powder + 1 tsp Shikekai powder + 1 tsp neem powder.

Mix all these powders together or boil all these in water to make decoction. Filter or apply directly on scalp rub gently and washed it off. This will clean the scalp, reduce hair fall, reduce dandruff and improve hair growth.

Dear readers we hope you will like our article and we welcome for all your suggestions and queries thanks for loving and reading.

Be Healthy! Be Happy!!

Written By…

Dr. Pallavi Shinde is the director at Shree Vishwamukta Yog, Ayurved and Panchakarma Clinic at Pune, India. She always uses ayurvedic proprietary formulations for many chronic health diseases & many products for Skin Diseases & beauty products. She is a hardcore Researcher, Practitioner, Promoter of Ayurveda. 

Contact today to book an appointment.

Ayurveda Treatment for Premature Graying of Hair

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