Toe and fingernails are a symbol of beauty. Just like many body parts like nose, eyes, hair and body posture, nails have a place to project a beauty and fashion statement. Many fashion brands have their own nail paint products on sale and girls and women love to use them on a frequent basis.

However, toe and fingernails are vulnerable to a certain type of infection called as nail fungus. It’s is a rare medical condition that causes the nails of toe and or fingers to catch a certain type of fungal infection that can be painful. Apart from the pain it causes to the person, your nails look severely damaged and develop an abnormal shape that can look visually ugly.

The fungal infection if not treated can permanently damage your nails. Sometimes this type of infection is present in such a small area of the toe or hand fingers that it goes unnoticed. Though nail fungus is not highly contagious, a prolonged fungal condition can transfer this to another person when in constant contact.

One important point to look for here is, not all nails that have abnormal shapes have fungal infection that is why if you have doubt in mind about this medical condition then it’s better to consult a physician before you to come to a conclusion.
Ayurveda suggests several treatments for this medical condition and in this article we are going to cover some of the important ones

Table of Contents

What are the primary causes of nail fungus infection as per Ayurveda?

Before moving to nails deformity, first of all let’s understand what Ayurveda describes about Nails patho-physiology.

Nail fungal infection is called “Kunakha” (disorder or discoloration of nails) in Ayurveda.
Nails are developed in Tritiya avasthapak (third phase of digestion)in unduka (proximal part of rectum).

According to Ayurveda:

  • Nails are byproduct of Bones (asthi dhatu), therefore if your bones are healthy your nails are healthy too.
  • Nails are formed from teeth, hairs and bones.
  • Bones (asthi-dhatu) are primarily made from medo-dhatu (adipose tissue) and later (asthi dhatu) bones form majja-dhatu (nervous tissue).
  • Nails don’t have empty space which means there is no space element among five elements.
    This asthi-majja-meda are ultimately connected with Grahani (digestive system) along with pitta, rakt.

Fungal infection affecting toe-nail and finger

Nail is also called onychomycosis or tinea unguium as per western science.

According to Ayurveda nail infections named as “kunakha”. Infection can start due to Tridosha imbalance and is most commonly seen in people who are engaged in household works.

Common causes of fungal infection as per Ayurveda:

  • Injury to nail buds or around the nail.
  • Contact of chemicals.
  • Constant contact of heat on nails.
  • Rakt dhatu and pitta dosha.
  • Imbalance of asthi dhatu (bone tissue) which is related with keratin as per western science.
  • Pachak pitta and Bhrajak pitta which is related with melanin as per western science.
  • Weak immune system.
  • Wearing artificial nails.
  • Repeated use of nail paints.
  • Constant exposure to cold and aqueous things.
  • Chronic diseases like diabetes, psoriasis, heart problems.
  • Unhygienic conditions.
  • Using public swimming pools frequently.
  • Wearing close-tight shoes.
  • Indigestion or chronic stomach issues.
  • Contact with Chemically mixed household products.

Is cause of fungal infection internal (indigestion) or external (lack of cleanliness)?

Fungal infection causes due to internal and external problems both.

For example,

Internally – Due to some chronic diseases like diabetes and also chronic intestinal issues along with indigestion.
Externally – Unhygienic condition, chemical applications, injury and many more…

Does color of nails in fungal infection state it’s severity?

Nails color and appearance shows nails deformity with its severity. Normally pink color nails without any lines shows good health of person.

  • Very pale – Anemia, poor nutrition.
  • Yellow – Liver disease, bronchitis.
  • Blue lines – congestive heart failure.
  • Red patches or red nails – Psoriasis or lupus, polycythemia.
  • Dark brown – Monilial infection.

As per Ayurveda perspective nail fungus is a Vata, Pitta or Kapha dosha?

According to Ayurveda, nails fungus causes due to tridosha imbalance.


Nail Color Dosha Infection or Disease
White Nails Kapha Anemia
Red Nails Pitta & Rakta Heart Disease
Bluish Nails Pitta & Rakta Diabetes / Hepatitis
Yellow Nails (Dark) Pitta & Kapha Emphysema / Lung Disease
Yellow Nails Pitta Hepatitis / Liver Disease
Blackish Color with Lining Vata & Pitta Arthritis

Is nail color and health condition of the patient related to each other?

Yes, when patient comes to Ayurveda physician, we do total investigations of the patient.
After observation of the nails, we can find many possible health problems.

My Nail observation which I learnt from my guru :

  • Ridges on nails: Elevated vata dosha, arthritis.
  • Clubbing nails: Digestion problem or cardiac problems.
  • White spots on nails: Worm infection.
  • White nails: Anemia / ras kshay
  • Brittle nails : Habit of nail eating / fear / depression
  • Kunakha (nail fungus ): Vatrakta (gout) / kushta (psoriasis) / chronic diabetes history.

What vitamin deficiency causes toenail fungus?

  • Vitamin E – Keeps nails moisturized and shiny.
  • B12 – Iron absorption for stronger nails and development of red blood cells.
  • Calcium – Promotes health to nails.
  • Iron –Carries oxygen up to your organs and till the nails.
  • Biotin – Healthy cell growth & for metabolism of protein.
  • Magnesium – Protein synthesis which helps to re-grow the nails.
  • Vitamin C – Keeps your nails hydrated.

Is nail fungus a skin disease?

Yes, nail fungus is caused due to nail psoriasis also, which is a type of psoriasis (skin disease).

If you observe there is no space between finger skin and nails. That is why whenever there is any skin disease or infection like psoriasis; it starts to spread to nails as well.

That’s why treating nail fungus is very important.

Is this infection contagious?

Nail fungus can be contagious if you don’t follow the hygiene. Due to nail fungus infection nail deformity or discoloration can happen.

If you don’t treat this infection, this can spread to other body parts directly or indirectly.

Is it dangerous to eat with bare hands while infected with nail fungus?

Eating with infected nails can be harmful and cause more infection internally.

If you don’t follow the hygienic conditions properly the infection can spread internally and to other body parts as well.

How to identify if the infection is fungus or something else?

If you have nail fungal infection it shows one or more symptoms from following:

  • Thick, colored debris development under nail.
  • Reddish swelling around nail part.
  • Brittle nail.
  • Broken edges.
  • Curling up or down.
  • Foul smell.
  • Thick nail and distorted in shape.
  • Whitish to yellow- brown discoloration.
  • Painful and uncomfortable.
  • White or dark color spots, ridges can be sown up on nails.

Can this fungal infection spread internally, if not treated?

Untreated fungus infection will most likely get worst. It can cause severe skin inflammation, itching, burning & redness. After some time it starts to spread internally and can be harmful to other body system too.

Can a person with toe or finger nail infection use skin cosmetics? (E.g. Nail polish, skin moisturizers)

One of the main causes of nail fungus infection is, using of recurrent chemically mixed cosmetic products.

A person with infected nails should avoid nail polish or use of artificial nail. To keep hydrated nail and surrounding area, one should use good non-chemical mix moisturizers or some special Ayurveda medicated oils like neem oil.

That’s why it’s better to avoid nail paints or other chemical products on nail and skin area if you are have this kind of infection.

Do these treatments help to cure nail fungus?


Pedicure is one type of taking care of foot along with toes and toenails. It’s better to make your home as a pedicure saloon for more safety without using any chemicals.

Follow some following steps for pedicure

Soak your feet into warm water by adding alum or baking soda or sea salt into water.
Then you can apply medicated neem or castor oil onto nail and around the nail part
Wait for some time and then slowly start to remove the cuticle and scrap above the nail.
After this, massage gently with same oil and again dip your foot into Luke warm water.

Lastly dry it out with cotton cloth and apply any cold cream or sarjaras Malam onto it. Sarjaras malam is also called ralecha malam and is best antibacterial Ayurveda cream. It keeps your feet moisturized and healthy.

Filing nails away

Filing nails is good for brittle nails to make them filing down the surface of nail may enable them to penetrate more deeply to the skin or to the nail bud. But this needs good practice and more hygiene.

Cutting nails

Trimming or cutting nails is very much important in toenail fungus to avoid more infection and chances of reaching up to the skin.

Minor operation of the nail

Surgical nail removal can be done for severe or recurrent nail fungal infection. In this, entire nail (avulsion) or only fungal part of the nail can be removed.

What will happen if I don’t treat nail fungus? Will it get cured by itself?

No without doing any treatment nail fungus cannot be cure.

You need proper guidelines and have to understand the exact cause of infection then it will be easy to treat this infection.

Because nail fungus infections aren’t cured by itself it needs treatment under medical supervision if it’s severe.

Is there a homemade lotion that I can make to start the treatment?

If there is only one nail affected then you can try some home remedies but, if your most of the nails are turning to fungus or some deformity, you should consult an Ayurveda physician.

Homemade lotion –

  • Neem oil ½ tsp or Karanja oil ½ tsp
  • Slaked lime ¼ tsp
  • Ghee ½ tsp
  • Honey ½ tsp (Read more)
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • Milk cream (fresh)Mix all these things together and make a firm paste. Apply this paste at least 2-3 times a day, after 15-20 min. Wash with Luke warm water.

How does Ayurveda treat nail fungus? Which Internal medications or Panchakarma therapies are recommended?

First of all, causative factor should be rule out. After that medicines which balance the vitiated dosha are recommended.

After finding the exact root cause internal and external both the treatments are useful. This helps to provide long term result & prevent the recurrence of this infection. Ayurveda provides anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory, anti-bacterial, anti-septic treatment.

Some useful herbs –

  • Guduchi
  • Amalaki
  • Neem
  • Viding
  • Manjishta
  • Khadira
  • Triphala

Some useful internal medications –

  • Gandhak Rasayan
  • Sukshma trifala
  • Arogyavardhini
  • Kaishora guggul
  • Trifala guggul
  • Ananta -manjishta phant
  • Suvarn-makshik bhasma
  • Mauktik yukta praval bhasma

Some useful external medications – 

  • Jatyadi tail
  • Roopan oil
  • Neem oil
  • Sarjaras malam / Kailas Jeevan cream

Application of slaked lime with turmeric and Karanja leaves on it (for covering the nail).

Along with internal medication some panchakarma treatments are always useful.

After finding the main root cause of nail fungus we can use panchakarma treatment as per vitiated doshas.

  • Basti is the ideal & half treatment of Ayurveda to treat all the chronic diseases.
  • Local snehana (oil application) & swedana (fomentation) is also useful for nails. For example, apply Karanja or neem oil over the infected part and cover this with warm Karanja leaves (like a fomentation).
  • Upanaha (poltice) This type of treatment is also helpful for reducing the redness and swelling form nails. Poultice of flax seeds along with turmeric is very useful in such conditions.
  • Raktmokshana treatment like leech therapy is magical treatment in Ayurveda for preventing the infection and reduce pain from the sight of infected part. This also prevents from spreading the infection.

Which foods must be avoided to get fast recovery?

Food is one of the main tripods in Ayurveda treatment. Diet which is bitter and astringent in taste is always recommended for infections.

  • Avoid sweet and salty food.
  • Avoid fermented and preserve food.
  • Avoid packed and tin food.
  • Avoid bakery products.
  • Avoid rice, yogurt, milk and milk products and nightshades.
  • Avoid cold drinks and hard drinks.
  • Avoid junk food and salty foods like chips.

Is the Ayurveda nail fungus treatment too time consuming?

Definitely not. The first line of treatment in Ayurveda is to find out the main root cause. If it’s clear, then according to root cause the, treatment is very easy and fast.
There is always a myth about Ayurveda that, Ayurveda medicines acts very slow but actually it’s not, this is totally dependent on how you follow your Ayurveda physician’s advice.

Like heart, skin, brain, hairs and teeth, nails are also important part of our body. Make them alive and healthy with the help of authentic Ayurveda science. If you feel any deformity, consult your nearby Ayurveda physician today.

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Written By…

Dr. Pallavi Shinde is the director at Shree Vishwamukta Yog, Ayurved and Panchakarma Clinic at Pune, India. She always uses ayurvedic proprietary formulations for many chronic health diseases & many products for Skin Diseases & beauty products. She is a hardcore Researcher, Practitioner, Promoter of Ayurveda. 

Contact today to book an appointment.

Ayurveda Treatment for Nail Fungus Infection

2 thoughts on “Ayurveda Treatment for Nail Fungus Infection

  • September 16, 2022 at 3:21 pm


    I read your information. It is obvious this is NOT anything like western medicine. The medical assessment and remedies you speak of are far more detailed and vast than taught in medic schools here.
    I have done wound care, advised by the Doctor who began the “wound care” movement in the U.S. He tutored me over the phone, long distance and was far more involved than most doctors in the U.S. in care, natural based. My success was due to his diligence and understanding of holistic pharmacy.

    I live in the Seattle, WA area and would appreciate if you could align me with a doctor on your stead who could advise me further in the methodology of your practice, please.

    Do you come to Seattle, WA?

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    Thank you,. With hope, faith and enduring love of fellow man…. I am humbled by your advanced ideology you possess.


    Jeanette Williams

  • April 20, 2023 at 12:00 am

    WOW!! This is a beautiful Article, so informative
    Thank you, Thank you
    Blessings for your Safety and good health Ameen


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