Welcome to Shree vishwamukta yog Ayurveda and panchkarma clinic (The culture of care)
Dr. Pallavi Shinde is the director & chief consultant of Shree Vishwamukta Yog Ayurved & Panchakarma clinic. She has gained 13 years of professional experience in the field of Ayurveda panchakarma & yoga.
- B.A.M.S (PUNE)
- D.Y.A (Diploma in yog ayurved)
- Diploma in acupressure & acupuncture therapy
- Director & chief Ayurvedic Consultant at shree vishwamukta ayurved clinic
- Specialist in pulse reading & chronic illness
- Specialist in Panchakarma theories
- Manufacturing consultant of ayurvedic & herbal medicine.
Ayurvedic Health Practitioner,Ayurvedic Heath Educator
Dr. Pallavi is an expert in treating the so-called incurable diseases. She is also the pioneer in applying modern technology to the ancient science of Ayurveda, having set up the Ayurvedic in 2011 that provides solutions to many health related problems.
She always uses ayurvedic Proprietary formulation for many chronic health diseases & many products for Skin Diseases & beauty products. She is a hardcore Researcher, Practitioner, Promoter of Ayurveda.
- Ayurvedic Immunization program for children, every month at Vishwamukta Ayurved Clinic in Pune
- Conducted workshop on spine & knee care once in between three months at Vishwamukta Ayurved
- Conducted workshop on “Gynaecological problems /disease” at Vishwamukta Ayurved
- Conducted workshop on “Height gaining for children every after six months.
- Conducting meditation & yoga program for women on every Sunday
- Conducting meditation -yoga & Sanskrit mantrapathan for kids on every Saturday
- Conducting panchakarma basti program for all senior citizens in every spring season
Work in Trust’s / NGO’s
Dr.Pallavi provides free consultations to the various trusts & NGO’s and to poor patient’s medicines has also been provided
Samarpan seva trust, Pune India
- Study of Medicinal Herbs and research in latest work on plants & herbs.
- Medical & Vedic Astrology
- Writing articles & sharing latest knowledge of herbal medicines with Students & Doctors
- Reading Traditional Text books of Ayurveda & Other
- Traveling to Wild Life & Wild Life Photography
- Traveling to Herbal Gardens & See the Beauty of Nature
- Looking towards AYURVEDA as a PASSION
Nadi-pariksha (pulse examination) is the best & most important diagnostic key of Ayurveda which Dr. Pallavi learn from my guruji (Ayurvedacharya Sameer Jamdagni) day by day with practice & seeing lots of patient.
Dr. Pallavi is expert in nadi-pariksha diagnosis part.
Our clinic conducts lots of disease special camp for children’s, women’s, & senior citizens.
Why Ayurveda & Why me?
The meaning of ayurveda is ayu means life and veda means knowledge the knowledge of life is Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a live science & science of life. When we are on this earth the motive of each of us should be the salvation (i.e. moksha) to the life through the life. The goal of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of the healthy & to cure the disease of a ill. Ayurveda treats the person not the symptoms with finding the root of a disease.
I am specially treated persons of chronic illness with Nadi Pariksha(i.e. pulse examination) oral herbal medication, Panchakarma, & Yoga.
- Over last decade I am treated patients suffering chronic ailments in various areas like.
- Female healthcare – infertility, uterine fibroid, pcod etc.
- Garbha sanskar (pregnancy care for healthy offspring)
- Skin Diseases
- Stress related ailments
- Back Pain, joint pain & related ailments
- Senior Citizen chronic ailments
- Diabetes
- Hair / skin problems
- Kids Health & well being
- Ayurvedic immunization for children (Suvarnprashan Sanskar)
- Sanskar classes for children’s
- Mediation classes for women’s.